Shipping & Returns
Returns Policy
If you receive a product that is defective or missing pieces, do not return the product, email us and let us correct the problem for you. We want to make it right and keep things as simple as possible for you. If we cannot solve the issue for you, we will provide you with return instructions and we will issue you a full refund for your purchase. Items that are mistakenly ordered or where you ordered the wrong size or scale must be returned in re-sell able condition.
Once an order is received please expect 5-7 business days before it is shipped. We are a one man operation. This is a Side/Hobby Business. Thank you for your understanding.
Maps & Player Aids do not qualify for "FREE SHIPPING" discount of purchases over $150
We can ship to virtually any address in the world.
Domestic US shipping is a flat rate depending on the total weight of your order. We Ship First Class with Tracking unless otherwise requested.International Shipping
Taxes, fees, and tariffs: Combat Miniatures has no way of predicting if your customs authority will charge you import fees, taxes, tariffs, or any other fees for your package. This matter is out of our hands and is at the discretion of your government. Please be aware that when your package arrives at your country there is a possibility that you will be contacted by your customs authority and asked to pay some sort of fee. Again, this is out of our hands, we wish this would never happen, but it sometimes does. Check your local customs law to see if you are likely to be assesed an import fee or tax.
Lost Orders
If an Order is lost or stolen Combat Miniatures will investigate and do everything in its power to help you, the customer, to resolve and find your order.